VMware Certified Master Specialist – HCI 2022 (5V0-21.21) Exam Review

A few weeks ago, I successfully passed the 5V0-21.21 exam which is mainly based on vSAN 7, which awarded me the title of Master Specialist HCI for the first time 😃.

And I thought it would be nice to share my experience and provide some tips to anyone willing to take this exam.

VMware Certified Master Specialist – HCI 2022 Digital Badge

Before I give you some advices to prepare for the exam, let’s first review the prerequisites.

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What is HCI Mesh in vSAN 7 Update 2?

VMware released with vSAN 7 Update 2 a new feature called HCI Mesh to provide better scaling capabilities in a vSAN environment.

Before vSAN 7 Update 2, there’s always been a very tight integration between vSphere and vSAN that made both products dependent from each other, and it wasn’t possible either to consume storage from one vSAN cluster to another.

Now things have changed with HCI Mesh as a non-vSAN Cluster can now take advantage of a remote vSAN cluster to start provisioning VMs to a remote vSAN datastore.

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VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts is finally available!

VMC on AWS Outposts was announced a few years back to offer customers the benefits of VMC on AWS but on-premises. (For those who don’t about VMC on AWS Outposts, please check my older article here.)

Then in 2019 at re:Invent, VMware and AWS revealed the launch of a beta program in which some lucky customers were able to participate.

After a long wait and some delays, VMware finally announced at VMworld 2021 the launch of VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts. The service is only available in the US at the moment

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VMware NSX-T 3.0 (2V0-41.20) Exam Review

VMware NSX-T 2.4: High-Level Architecture

On January 22 2021, I successfully passed the 2V0-41.20 exam based on NSX-T 3.0 which made me a new happy VCP-NV. I thought it would be nice to share with you my experience with this exam.

VCP-NV 2021 Digital Badge

How to prepare for the exam

For the record, I was initially going for the NSX-T 2.4 exam before it expires but I found myself pretty busy so I preferred to wait a little bit and get prepared for version 3.0.

I sat a while back for the NSX-T 2.4 ICM class that helped me a lot to understand the product. I have to say that this was one of the best course I ever had and I’d like to thank again the instructor Christian Regent who became later on my VCI mentor 🙂

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How to provision workloads to AWS with vRealize Automation

Hello the vCommunity,

I’d like to share with you a demo that I’ve been preparing these last couple of days, and in which I explain the whole procedure in order to deploy an AWS EC2 instance from vRealize Automation 7.6.

I wish you a happy watching and don’t hesitate to subscribe and like if you enjoyed the demo.

Stay safe and have all a nice holiday! See you soon 😉

[VMWorld 2020] VMware Cloud on AWS New Features

VMware Cloud on AWS New Features

VMware Cloud on AWS has been around for a couple of years now and has improved over time by providing new services and expanding regularly to more regions across the world.

VMware’s cloud solutions is now getting better and we’ll go through some of the new features and capabilities announced at VMWorld 2020 that will be available soon.



Before going any further and see what’s waiting for with on VMC on AWS, let’s quickly review the different use cases of that solution.

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[VMWorld 2020] What’s New in WMware Cloud on Dell EMC

What’s New in WMware Cloud on Dell EMC

Last year VMware Cloud on Dell EMC was announced at the Dell Technology event and later on the new offering was available in some regions across the world.

Now at VMWorld 2020, VMware brings some news to this very special plateform and we’ll go through some of them.

What is VMC on Dell EMC about again?

VMware Cloud on DellEMC is a hardware as-a-service plateform Continue reading

How to fix ESXi hosts showing out of sync with a distributed switch

Recently I was in charge of designing and implementing a new vSphere and vSAN infrastructure for a customer.

Everything went just fine, except that we all have experienced many network outages due to misconfiguration of some Firewall Virtual Appliances where the whole infrastructure relies on.

As a result, all ESXi got disconnected from the vCenter and this happened many times!

Anyway, the network team in the end fixed the issue and the network was finally stable but I have to say that I’m not a fan of firewall virtual appliance as it brings some limitations and complexity. Unfortunately, those outages had a bad impact on the virtualization network as some warnings appeared showing some ESXi hosts out of sync with the distributed switch.

Distributed Switch Warning

This could not be a big deal at the beginning but this kind of issue definitely needs to be addressed to avoid any network problem in the future.

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