Tag Archives: vSAN Max

vSAN Max is Now Generally Available!

vSAN Max logo

At VMware Explore Las Vegas 2023, VMware announced a new offering from the vSAN family: “vSAN Max“.

vSAN Max is now generally available to support the storage needs of your more demanding applications running on vSphere clusters.

Following the recent acquisition of VMware by Broadcom, the portfolio has now been simplified with 2 major offerings: VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) and VMware vSphere Foundation (VVF).

vSAN can now be leveraged through VCF or as an add-on with VMware vSphere Foundation.

For more information about these new offerings, please follow the link below.

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What is vSAN Max?

vSan Max

VMware announced at VMware Explore 2023 in Vegas, a new offering in the vSAN portfolio: vSAN Max.

But what is this new solution and who is it for? Let’s find out.

Introducing vSAN Max

vSAN Max is a new disaggregated storage offering that benefits from the performance of Express Storage Architecture (ESA) which was released in 2022.

It is capable of processing more storage and faster to your vSphere clusters but also delivering new capabilities and being cost-effective.

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